CCB Kids
We know that visiting a new church can be intimidating so here is a little info that will help you have a great experience at Cedar Crest!
- First-time guests will check-in at the entry of the Children’s Building and give some information about their child.
- A greeter will then help you in finding your child’s room and introduce you to his/her teacher
- Parents will need to show their matching tag when picking up their child at the end of DLife.

Kid's Events
Sunday Mornings
Wednesday Evenings
Children's Worship
(Pre-K 4 through 4th grade)
Children’s Praise Choirs Children’s Building (Sept - May)
Life Groups
GA’s (girls) in Children’s Building
Children's Worship (Pre-K 4 through 4th grade)
RA’s (boys) in Children's Building Room 232
Family activities are also planned throughout the year.