CCB Kids
We know that visiting a new church can be intimidating so here is a little info that will help you have a great experience at Cedar Crest!
- First-time guests will check-in at the entry of the Children’s Building and give some information about their child.
- A greeter will then help you in finding your child’s room and introduce you to his/her teacher
- Parents will need to show their matching tag when picking up their child at the end of DLife.

Kid's Events
No events are currently listed.
Sunday Mornings
Wednesday Evenings
Children's Worship
(Pre-K 4 through 4th grade)
Children’s Praise Choirs Children’s Building (Sept - May)
Life Groups
GA’s (girls) in Children’s Building
Children's Worship (Pre-K 4 through 4th grade)
RA’s (boys) in Children's Building Room 232
Family activities are also planned throughout the year.