
Global Mission Strategy

The Global Mission Strategy is our plan to reach a lost world for Christ. As laid out by Christ in Acts 1:8 we are to go to Jerusalem, Samaria, Judea, and the Uttermost parts of the earth. For us today that means we are to be focused in GOING on mission locally (West Monroe & Ouachita Parish), state wide (New Orleans), nationally (Anchorage, Alaska, - Missoula, Montana), and around the globe (Bulgaria - Kenya - Honduras).


Opportunities to serve in Ouachita Parish are numerous. Some of these are ongoing while others are single events. Below you will find a list of some of the missions and outreaches of Cedar Crest in our community. For more information about ways to get involved, contact our Mission's & Outreach Coordinator, Jim Plank (jim@ccbchurch.org).


Celebrate Recovery

Life Choices

Mercy Multiplied

The Vine

Truck Stop Ministry

The Renewal Center

Kairos Torch

Two Pennies Missions

Royal Family Kids Camp

Connect 1:27 Feeding the Fosters

Rescue House

Seeker Springs

Deputies Making A Change (DMAC)

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

The BCM at ULM

(Seasonal: Journey to Bethlehem, Operation Christmas Child, Samaritan's Purse, Food Bank)

Church Plants & Re-Plants

Rescue Community Church - Bubba Ezell

Iglesia Emmanuel - Pedro Salas


Cedar Crest supports state missions through the Louisiana Baptist Convention.


We partner with GraceWorks Alaska, and our team travels to Alaska to work directly with non-churched children, youth, and adults in local parks-feeding meals to the hungry, backyard Bible school, sports, games and crafts. The goal is nothing less than a multiplying, church planting Jesus Movement in Alaska. Two couples from our church spend their entire summer in Anchorage each year serving with Graceworks. To learn more about GraceWorks Ministry, visit their website: www.graceworksak.com

Resonate Church has a goal to plant 21 churches by the year 2021 in the Northwest part of the United States. Cedar Crest helps to financially support two of the staff from the Missoula, Montana church plant. (Brian Jones and Jessica Austin) Each staff member of Resonate Church raises their own financial support.

The Missoula church plant started taking shape in early 2018. A group of six staff members, students, and young professionals took a leap of faith and moved to Missoula a year before the rest of the planting team were scheduled to arrive. They spent the next year, 2018-2019, meeting students, building relationships, and laying the groundwork for the remaining church planting team. They developed a Core Team which has now transitioned to their Leadership Team. This team of students, families, young professionals, and staff feel called to lay down our lives for the people of Missoula. They take responsibility for each other, treat each other like family, take risks for the gospel, put mission first, and embrace sacrifice. Missoula has a University with strong ties across the world. If healing and renewal come on the University of Montana campus it could change the city and the places its students end up.


Led by BCM Director Scott Bellmore, the purpose of Mosaic is to lead college students and others in the University of Alaska academic community to faith in Jesus Christ.

Their primary objective is to Help Students Know Christ - They want to LEAD college students and others in the academic community to faith in Jesus Christ, CONNECT them to like minded believers and to the local church, DEVELOP them as disciples and leaders and TEACH them how to live a MISSIONAL lifestyle.

Mosaic Campus Ministry is about helping students achieve excellence in all parts of their lives and enabling them to be a more vital part in the their churches, on their campus and in their community.

Mosaic Campus Ministry is a student organization affiliated with the Chugach Baptist Association, the Alaska Baptist Convention and the North American Mission Board to minister to college students at the University of Alaska, Anchorage.


In 2009 God gave Cedar Crest the vision to reach a people group called the Roma. You may be more familiar with the term 'Gypsies'. The Roma people are spread all throughout the planet with nowhere to call home. Since starting in Bulgaria, God has expanded our mission to include all the pastors in the Bulgarian Baptist Union and several major cities in Bulgaria. We have had the opportunity to preach and train pastors/lay leaders in Bulgaria. We also support the Bulgarian Baptist Seminary training for young pastors. Cedar Crest has translated several Christian books from English into the Bulgarian language.

Each year, our teams travel to Honduras and partner with the Honduras Outreach. HOI is a Christ-centered missions organization working alongside people of developing countries who desire to implement sustainable development partnerships to create life-changing relationships between the people of developing countries and North Americans, while promoting community directed and integrated spiritual, physical, educational and economic development of men, women and children in the developing world through the promotion of dignity, mutual cooperation and self-sufficiency.

Chembulet is a farming community situated on lush, rolling hills in the Central Rift Valley near the border of Uganda. Locals grow corn, wheat, and passion fruit. There are also a number of local startup businesses.

We serve Chembulet with 410 Bridge who’s visions to seek to radically improve the pace and depth of growth in the spiritual and physical health of communities in the developing world by transforming the way that the body of Christ engages in healthy global missions. The 410 Bridge enables the self-developing capabilities of the people we serve by mobilizing and unifying the body of Christ through holistic, redemptive, community-centered partnerships.

Daniel & Rebecca Jackson, along with their two young daughters, are in their second year as missionaries in Germany.